Spring IOC-MVC

Getting Started with Spring IOC and Spring MVC

How to Create  Simple Project step by step (Spring IOC-MVC/JPA/hibernate) using Maven in Eclipse

We want to create a simple application that can manage the products and Categories , each product is defined by its part number, name, price and quantity.

The application must allow the following operation:

  • Add a product/Categorie
  • Remove a product/Categorie
  • Update a product/Categorie
  • View all products/Categories
  • Check the names of the products which contain keywords.
  • This application consists of three layers DAO, service, web
  • It must be also closed to change and open to extension.
  • The injection of the dependency will be conducted using spring IOC.
  • ORM (JPA/Hibernate).

Before performing this project, you need to meet the following prerequisites:

Eclipse (Luna) Java EE IDE for Web Developers :

  •  We need to install Spring Tools plug-in in the eclipse Marketplace
  • Help >eclipse Marketplace > Spring Tools

Now Let’s get started

Step 1. Create a Spring Project

Open Eclipse and create new Project –> Others —> Spring Project and Next.

step1Select Spring MVC Project and Next.


Create your package e.g. X.Y.Z and finish


Fine, your project is completed and should look like this in your Project Explorer window:


Step 2.

Open the [New Java Class] dialog box, e.g. by right clicking the new source directory node (in the [Package Explorer] window) and selecting New > Class.

Create new Class Product and Category in the package X.Y.Z.entity

step5Class Product have an id Product,name,price and quantity an then generate the getter and setter

step7Select all the fields.

step8Also we need to generate constructor with paramater and a constructor without paramater:

step9.1Deslect the id Product in the constructor with paramter because JPA we will generate auto increment.

step10Add dependency Hibernate and JPA to file pom.xml

add-dependency-jpa-hibernateLet’s create an entity describing  a product add the annotation to our class Product !

step11the entity class product have a join column to the category with the relation Many to One

step12Class Category have an id Category,name,description and a collection of product

-Generate the getter and setter.

-Generate constructor with paramater and a constructor without paramater.

step13  The entity class Category have a relation ship with a collection of product One to many

step14Step 3.

We also need to configure JPA by setting a META-INF/persistence.xml file:

  • Right click the src/main/resources node (in the [Project Explorer]) and select New > XML File

step15The parent folder should be resources.

The name of the file is persistence.xml and Next.

step16Create XML file from  an XML shema file.

step17Select /persistence/persistence_2.0.xsd

step18Delete if you want the prefix persistence .

step20Click Finish to creat the file XML persistence.

step21Add persistence unit name and transactional type is RESOURCE _LOCAL

Add the provider is our case is hibernate and some property to show sql in the console and to create our database.

if you want add the hibernate dialect in our case is MySQLDialect.

step22Step 4

Add dependency Spring and I update the version fo spring to 3.2.2.RELEASE i

step23Now we need to create Spring Configuration Bean file in the folder Resource:

Select Spring Bean Configuration File

spring1Our file xml named applicationContext.xml

spring2Select the namespaces context and tx

spring3Create a bean named datasource with the property driverClassName, url, username and password

spring4Create a bean persistence Unit Manager

spring5Create a bean entity Manager Factory

spring6Also we need a bean transaction Manager

spring7Add the context annotation config

spring8We will use the Junit to test the entity class:

JunitCreate a class TestDBJunit1In the method test we create a Class Path to our applicationContext.xml and test it if we have an exception.

junit2Before you Test your class with Junit

Dont forget to create a database and in our project name : myDB

Run the class as  TestJunit

Good !!

Our table product and category was created

bd2bdStep 5.

 Create Interface Product DAO

dao1Create Class Product implements interface Product DAO


Prepares an EntityManager automatically and injects it into the em field (because it is annotated with the @PersistenceContext annotation).

Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code:

dao3we used query peristence JPA

dao5 dao6Create interface Product Service :

serice1The interface Product Service contains the same methode in the interface ProductDAO so just copy the methode and past it in the interface and then create a class ProductServiceImpl that implements all the methods.


We added annitation Transactional in our entity class because Spring will occupeted about the transactional.

we use also a filed dao in the interface ProductDAO and generate a setter because the spring use it  when we create bean in the applicationContext.

Handles transactions automatically for methods that are annotated with the @Transactional annotation, saving the need to wrap every operation that modifies the database by transaction begin and commit.

serice3Complete your methods

sevice4Create bean dao and bean service with reference dao that we declare in ProductServiceImpl.

serice4The complete bean graph :


Now we will test our DAO with simple Test Junit

add new category and product

view list of the product and the category:  serice12Run the class as Junit Test , in the console output you should see the following

sevice11we can show in your database


You’ve written a simple application that uses Spring IOC/ JPA to save objects to a database and to fetch them.

Next Step we will create the package Controller and use Spring MVC.

Step 6.

Create Class Product Controller in the package controller


we add a new method index to test the view


Create page JSP named product same as return “product”


Juss we add in body Test to show the result in


Add new Server web5

Add the project on the server


Run the server and show the result at localhost:8080/myproject/index

web7we want to show in the index new product and list of the product


Before your run the server,we need to modify the web xml and add the file applicationContext in the context paramter.

web8add the form , we specified the modelAttribue named product

web10Run the server

web11add another div contains a table to show list of the product

divJust refresh the page  and show the list of the prducts


indexadd new method saveProd to add new product with value /saveprod

index2Restart the server because we modify the class java Product Controller and add new product


add simple css to produt jsp

web14Restart the Server and show the new simple css.


Create two methods to edit and delete a product.

index3modify the code JSP in the div list product and add a link a href to delete and to edit a product

index4Test to delet a product.


and Test to update a productweb17

The product was updated with success


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